

Each swimmer collects sponsorship from family, friends, work colleagues or corporate donations.  50% of the money swimmers collect goes to the nominated charities and 50% goes to their chosen charity.

Don’t forget to enter your chosen charity on the Registration Form!



We have set up a JustGiving to help swimmers raise even more money.  Just click on the JustGiving Link below and then click on the orange Start Fundraising button on the right hand side of the page. 

Set Up A Just Giving Fundraising Page



Please print off one or more copies of the sponsorship form by clicking on the link below.  Every swimmer must use their own form or forms. 

Don’t forget to fill in your name and team name (if you have one) on every sheet! 

Please make sure that anyone who sponsors you who is an UK Income Tax payer enters their house number and post code and circles “Yes” in the “Eligible for gift aid” box.  Without this information, we cannot claim gift aid, which adds 25% to their donation.

All sponsorship money must be paid to The Rotary Club of Buckingham who will distribute it to all the charities supported in this Swimathon by the club or by you

Sponsor Form